Choosing your auto insurance coverage is a big deal. Making sure you have the right coverage is vital. At the same time, you don’t want to have more coverage than you need. Coming up with the right balance is not easy, and having an insurance agent you trust can make all the difference. At Irvington Insurance Indianapolis, IN, we are locally owned and have been offering customers our expertise for 13 years.
You are required in the state of Indiana to carry liability insurance. You are also required to have uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage unless you decline it in writing. Liability coverage required is $25,000 per person with $50,000 total per accident and $25,000 for property damage. Uninsured and underinsured coverage matches liability. These are the basic requirement but are they adequate for you?
The first thing to consider is the amount of liability coverage. If you own little or nothing, then basic auto insurance is fine, but this basic coverage won’t provide the level of protection you need if you have significant assets. Exactly how much liability coverage is right for you is something to discuss with your insurance agent.
People count on their vehicles to go about their normal daily routines. If you could not easily repair or replace your vehicle with your own money, then having collision and comprehensive offers you needed coverage.
Collision coverage repairs or replaces your vehicle if you are the responsible party in an accident. Comprehensive covers hazards that are beyond your control like storms, vandalism, and theft. It also includes glass coverage, which is one coverage almost everyone uses at one time or another.
Your independent agent is the person to discuss your auto insurance needs with. In Indianapolis, IN, Irvington Insurance is the place to go. Give us a call or stop by our office for a no-obligation quote.