Will My Home Insurance Cover My College Student’s Housing?

College students often take valuable items with them when living at school, including clothing, jewelry, computers, and other electronics. Just like your family’s other assets, your student’s belongings need protection. Typically, your home insurance policy covers the assets of your children aged 26 or younger if you claim them as dependents. However, several limitations affect college students, so you should confirm your policy details with your agent annually. If you live in or near Indianapolis, IN, contact our Irvington Insurance team about your home or other insurance coverage.

Home Insurance Coverage Limits for College Students

Your home insurance covers your dependent children’s belongings against theft, fire, and other covered perils and handles their liability if they cause injury or damage others’ property. However, insurers often cover college students only while living in university-controlled housing. Policies generally do not cover those living in fraternity, sorority, or other off-campus housing.

Besides the university housing limitation, other issues to confirm include:

  • Most policies only cover full-time students
  • Coverage may stop at 24 or 25 years old with some policies
  • Jewelry and electronics have low claim limits unless you add a rider to your policy
  • Losses at college are considered "off-premises," commonly capped at 10% of your policy’s property limit
  • Claims related to your children are subject to your standard deductibles

These factors can significantly affect your college student’s coverage or the recoverable amount from a claim, so confirm the policy details and your situation with your agent. You can buy renters’ insurance for your student’s belongings if necessary.

Insuring with Irvington Insurance

Irvington Insurance, serving Indianapolis, IN, will work to develop an insurance plan that protects your family and its assets. Visit our office or call (377) 322-1000 today to start the review process.

What Is the Difference Between Home Insurance and Renter’s Insurance?

Whether you’re a renter or a homeowner, getting the right kind of insurance for your needs is important. At Irvington Insurance, servicing Indianapolis, IN, we can help you understand the differences between these two types of insurance. If you’ve been a renter all your life but have never owned a home or owned homes but never rented, you’ll want to understand how these two policy types differ. Here’s what you need to know.

What is Home Insurance?

Home insurance is a type of insurance that pays to repair or replace your personal items in the event that they are damaged in a covered event. Home insurance can also pay to repair or replace your house after a covered event causes damage to your home’s structure. Covered events include fire, wind damage, lightning strikes, theft, and vandalism.

Home insurance is a requirement for most people who have a mortgage, but even people who don’t often choose to get it because it provides essential protection for the homeowner.

What Is Renter’s Insurance?

Renter’s insurance is a type of insurance that pays to repair or replace your personal belongings if a covered event occurs. The renter’s insurance does not pay to repair or replace the structure if damage occurs. Renter’s insurance is not usually a requirement for a renter, but many still choose to get renters insurance.

Why Is Insurance Important?

Most people can’t afford to replace everything they own when disaster strikes. Having insurance, whether it’s home insurance or renters insurance, can protect you from the kind of financial ruin that can occur after certain covered events. Insurance provides peace of mind.

Want to know more about renters and home insurance? Contact Irvington Insurance, servicing Indianapolis, IN. We can help.

Steps To Take After a Residential Break-In

If your home is broken into, it is essential to document the aftermath. You must also file an insurance claim at your earliest convenience. Learn how to handle this type of crime. The following information will prepare you for an unexpected crime resulting in damage or property loss.

The Setting

Keep yourself safe after a potential break-in. Do not enter the premises until you have secured the area. Take pictures of the aftermath. Record information about the items that were damaged or stolen during criminal activity.

When you file an insurance claim, you must submit an accurate report of what has occurred. Moving any items within the area where a crime occurred could affect your insurance claim.

The Reporting Process

Contact your insurance agency to report the incident that took place. You will be provided a list of steps to follow while your claim is processed.

An insurance adjuster may be assigned to inspect your home. During this process, the adjuster will determine the amount of damage that has occurred at your residence.

Paperwork and Additional Assistance

Keep track of your insurance paperwork while your insurance claim is pending. Store any records associated with your claim in a secure, dry area. If you need additional assistance while the claim is active, contact an agent who can help you. 

For More Guidance, Contact Irvington Insurance

Our Irvington Insurance agents are here to assist with all your home insurance needs. Feel free to contact an agent who serves the Indianapolis, IN, area for further assistance in filing your insurance claim.

My Home Was Just Damaged By Fire – How Do I File A Claim?

Your home insurance policy should cover damage caused by fire, which is a common peril covered by typical policies. 

Filing a homeowner insurance claim can be a stressful process if you don’t know what to do. Getting help from your insurance agent is the best way to make the process easier.

Your insurance agent at Irvington Insurance, servicing Indianapolis, IN, can provide you with the information you need to file a claim on your home insurance. Here’s what you need to know. 

Document Damage

Documenting damage is one of the first steps to filing a home insurance claim. To do this, you’ll take pictures of the damage and keep all information relating to what happened.

If you file a police report, keep copies of that report for your insurance claim. Your insurance agent will give you information on what specifically needs to be documented. In addition, you may receive paperwork about your insurance claim. Keep that paperwork for yourself. 

Call Insurance Agent

Early in the process, call your insurance agent to get information about moving forward with an insurance claim. One of the things you’ll need to know is how much your deductible is.

If the damage exceeds your deductible, you may decide not to file an insurance claim. Your insurance agent can provide you with paperwork about your policy if needed and can help walk you through the steps of filing a claim. 

Make the Repairs

Once you’ve coordinated with your insurance agent, then it’s time to start the repairs. Save all receipts and paperwork during this process. This information will be important for filing your claim. 

Do you have questions about filing a claim after a home fire? Call Irvington Insurance, servicing Indianapolis, IN, to learn more about how we can help you. 

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover All Natural Disasters?

Whether you’ve been a homeowner for a while or just recently become one, you might have some questions about homeowners insurance and what it covers. Many homeowners have one question: how to file a claim, while others wonder if homeowners insurance covers natural disasters. While it would seem logical for homeowners insurance to cover natural disasters, they don’t since they’re out of your control. Here is a brief overview of what’s not covered.

Many Natural Disasters Are Covered

Even though homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover all natural disasters, some common ones aren’t. These disasters are often covered:

  • Tornadoes/hurricanes/similar wind and hail damage
  • Winter storms involving snow, sleet, and freezing rain
  • Lightning and thunderstorms
  • Explosions
  • Volcanic eruptions

Natural Disasters That Aren’t Covered

Again, some natural disasters aren’t covered under your primary homeowner’s insurance policy. If you want coverage for these uncovered disasters, you’ll need to purchase an additional insurance policy. The natural disasters that typically aren’t covered are the ones that aren’t on the list above. This is why purchasing additional coverage is important if you live in an area where other natural disasters are common. Flood insurance is a common add-on, even for homeowners who don’t live in high flood areas. There are other homeowner’s insurance add-ons, so be sure to discuss what’s available with your insurance agent, who can explain all the different policies. 

As you can see, most standard homeowner’s insurance policies don’t cover all natural disasters, but some cover many. If you’re an Indianapolis, IN, homeowner and need a new insurance company, you should consider us at Irvington Insurance. At Irvington Insurance, we provide top-notch coverage for Indianapolis, IN residents and beyond. Give us a call today for a quote. 

Four of the most important details on your home insurance policy

Insure your home in Indianapolis, IN with a policy from Irvington Insurance. The insurance coverage that we provide can protect the investments you make in your home and give you a sense of security.

Here are four of the most important details you need to be aware of regarding your home insurance policy. 

The amount of liability coverage your policy includes

You need to ensure that your policy offers adequate liability coverage to prevent financial hardship if you face a lawsuit as a homeowner. Check your liability coverage amount options and determine which coverage amount option will fully protect your assets. 

The deductibles on your policy

Knowing how the deductibles work on your policy is important. You need to make sure that you always have at least the amount of your highest possible deductible in an emergency fund. This way, you know you can pay your deductible without problems if you have to file a claim. 

The exclusions that limit policy coverage

Home insurance policies will exclude coverage for certain types of damage such as water and earthquake damage. If you want these types of damages covered by your policy, you’ll probably need to add endorsements to your policy that provide you with these types of coverage. 

The policy term

Home insurance policies aren’t permanent. They only cover you for a certain length of time. Home insurance policies usually have a term length of one year. Once a year has passed, you will probably have to renew your policy to enjoy continued coverage for your home. 

Enjoy financial protection as a homeowner with insurance coverage from Irvington Insurance. Call us now to get a policy quote. 

Situations That May Require More Than Just a Basic Homeowners Policy

Homeowners insurance is an important protection that can help to defray the costs of damage from unexpected events. However, a wide range of coverage is available, depending on your own individual needs. At Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN, we offer a variety of homeowners policies to protect your home investment.

Types of Homeowners Insurance Policies

There are several different types of homeowners insurance policies from which to choose. Each type provides different protections, and the cost varies with the amount of coverage. Most homeowners need an HO-3 type policy, which covers such perils as fire, lightning, smoke, damage by vehicles, theft, vandalism, the weight of snow or ice, overflow of water from systems inside the home, freezing of systems, and short-circuiting of electrical systems. But other types of policies are also available.

You May Need Additional Coverage Than What A Standard Policy Provides

An HO-5 policy is more comprehensive in its coverage and pays for replacement costs rather than actual cash value. HO-8 policies cover older or historic homes with higher repair and replacement costs. In addition, if you live in an area prone to flooding, you will need coverage for flooding, which is not covered by standard home insurance policies. This is also true of earthquake and sinkhole hazards requiring additional policy coverage. Similarly, if you have expensive artwork, furs, or jewelry, you may need additional coverage that goes beyond standard policy limits.

Make Irvington Insurance Your Choice for Homeowners Insurance

If you have questions regarding home insurance coverage, our Indianapolis, IN agents can provide detailed information. Contact Irvington Insurance today for a no-obligation quote on a home insurance policy that covers your own unique needs.

Keeping Your Home Safe During The Holidays

Although the holidays are an exciting time that everyone looks forward to, it is essential to remember that they can also put your home at risk in many ways. Here at Irvington Insurance, serving Indianapolis, IN, and the surrounding areas, we want to help homeowners like you keep their homes safe all year round. Keep reading to learn how to keep your home safe during the holidays. 

Know Who’s Visiting

The holidays can be a time of lots of coming and going. If you or other housemates are expecting visitors, it is critical that you know who is coming and when they are arriving. This is especially true if people are coming to visit that you are not very familiar with. Talk with everyone in the house concerning announcing arriving guests and how everyone in the home must be aware of who is visiting and when they are visiting. 

Stick To Regular Safety Tasks 

You might be tempted to do things a bit differently if you have visitors coming for the holidays. For instance, if there are lots of visitors who will be coming and going during the day, you might be tempted to leave doors unlocked. Although this could be more convenient, this is not a good idea. Come up with more secure ways to ensure everyone can come and go as they need to or request that coming and going be kept to a minimum if you are not at home. 

Be Smart With Holiday Lights and Decorations 

It’s lots of fun to put up holiday lights and decorations, but these can pose risks if installed incorrectly. Be sure to follow instructions precisely for any decorations that use electricity. 

If you want to learn about home insurance, don’t hesitate to contact us at Irvington Insurance serving Indianapolis, IN, and the surrounding areas. 

Tips to prepare your home for a storm

Irvington Insurance is here to assist with your home insurance needs and related concerns. In the Indianapolis, IN area, it’s important to make sure your home is prepared for storms. 

Here are a few tips from us to help you get ready:

1. Secure any outdoor furniture or items that could be blown away during a storm. Make sure to bring in anything that could become a dangerous projectile in high winds, such as patio umbrellas or planters.

2. Install a backup generator or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) so that you have power in case of an outage. This will be especially helpful if you rely on medical equipment with no battery backup.

3. Trim trees and shrubs around your house to reduce the risk of branches falling onto your roof or windows during a storm and damaging them.

4. Clear your gutters and downspouts of debris to ensure proper drainage away from your property should there be heavy rainfall during a storm. 
5. Stock up on supplies such as flashlights, batteries, water, and non-perishable food items so that you are prepared in case you lose power for an extended period of time due to the storm. 

6. Make sure your downspouts point away from your foundation so that water does not infiltrate your basement. 

Reach Out To Us

By following these tips, you can help make sure your home is ready for any incoming storms at any time of year! For more tips on how to get your house ready, or if you have any questions about your home insurance, auto insurance, or any other type of policy, give us at Irvington insurance a call today. We proudly serve the Indianapolis, IN area.

Do all people need to have a home insurance plan in Indiana?

The Indianapolis, IN area can be a great place to own a home. This is a large city with a growing population and plenty of local amenities and job opportunities. When you are looking to buy a home in this area, it would be a good idea to also get insurance for the property.

There are various reasons why the typical property owner here will need to have a home insurance policy:

Receive Valuable Coverage

An important reason that anyone here will need to have a home insurance policy is so they can receive valuable coverage. When you are a property owner, you will have made a very significant investment and asset purchase. Along with this investment, you will want to know that you have support if you incur a loss due to a fire, vandalism, or other unexpected situation. If you have home insurance, it will provide you with coverage for your dwelling, and personal items, and even offer liability coverage. 

Comply with Requirements

It could also be a good idea to get home insurance so you are able to comply with any requirements that you have. When you buy a home, it is likely that you take out a mortgage as well. Further, you may choose to live in a home association. If you have done either of these things, you likely have a requirement to maintain insurance coverage. 

Contact Us Today

If you are in the Indianapolis, IN area, it would always be a good idea to get home insurance. The team with Irvington Insurance can provide any guidance that you need to create your ideal home insurance plan. When you start working with Irvington Insurance, you will receive personalized support so you fully understand all of your insurance options and needs as you build your next policy.