Indiana has 12,000 miles of federal and state roads and 68,000 miles of county roads. You could take a lifetime to drive on all of them. As a driver in this state, you will need to have liability insurance on your vehicle. Indiana is a 25/50/10 state. What this means is you need to carry a minimum of $25,000 for each person injured in an accident up to a maximum of $50,000 and at least $10,000 for property damage. This is a bare minimum, and given the cost of vehicles today, you can quickly see how $10,000 would not cover the value of the car, leaving you paying the remainder out of pocket. At Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN, we understand auto insurance, and we make sure that our clients have all the coverage they need.
While the state does not require you to carry more than the basic amount of auto insurance, if you have an auto loan or a lease, you will have to carry both collision and comprehensive insurance. If you have assets, the minimum liability coverage is not enough to keep you protected. So, what insurance isn’t required should you carry?
Collision coverage protects your vehicle and will repair or replace it for you if you are the at-fault person in an accident. If you are like most people, being without a car isn’t an option, and if your vehicle is relatively new, the replacement value is thousands of dollars. Collision insurance will also provide you with a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired.
Comprehensive insurance protects you from damage to your vehicle from things other than another vehicle. It also covers you for theft and vandalism.
Knowing the insurance required in Indiana will help you to understand what coverage is right for you. Stop by the office or give us a call at Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN to make an appointment and get a free quote.