Will I Have to Have a Medical Checkup When I Get Life Insurance?

Obtaining life insurance typically includes going for a checkup with a physician. The insurance firm bears the expense of this medical examination, which usually takes less than an hour to complete.

At Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN, we assist our clients in procuring life insurance coverage. We also cater to individuals who wish to acquire life insurance but prefer to avoid a doctor’s appointment. Here, we provide essential information about life insurance coverage.

Is a Medical Checkup Necessary for Life Insurance?

A medical examination is typically (though not always) a requirement for acquiring life insurance. This checkup aims to enable the insurance company to assess the risk of granting you insurance accurately and to set the policy rate appropriately. This evaluation assists the insurance company in determining the amount of coverage you can purchase and its cost.

There are insurance policies that can be purchased without a doctor’s examination. However, such policies prevent the insurance company from assessing the risk involved in insuring you. This could lead them to assume a higher risk, which may result in a lower coverage amount at a higher cost.

What to Expect If You Do Not Want a Medical Checkup

If you desire to take life insurance but are not keen on undergoing a medical exam, you should be prepared to pay a higher premium. You might also have to answer several health-related questions without having to schedule a full medical examination.

If you are considering life insurance, contact Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN. We offer life insurance policies to our clients and can help you choose the policy that best fits your needs.